Credentials for Academic Adjustments

Guidelines for submitting an application for academic adjustments

To apply for academic adjustments, select and download the appropriate form corresponding to your disability and complete Part A (personal details and waiver of medical confidentiality). Ask a medical specialist in the relevant field to complete Part B in legible handwriting. The medical specialist should have relevant expertise and experience in the field, and no personal or family relation between him and the student. The completed form should be sent with an updated summary of the relevant medical information to the accessibility coordinator, preferably via email:

*The form completed by the doctor should include reference to all required sections:

  • Clear diagnosis, tests that were made to determine it, its effect on academic performance and prognosis (predicting the course of the disease and its consequences)
  • The severity of the medical condition, the frequency with which it is expressed, and whether the condition is chronic or temporary
  • Expected improvement or worsening of the medical condition and recommended frequency for re-evaluation of the condition
  • Description of the medicinal treatment and side effects, if any, auxiliary equipment and assistive technology
  • Treatment and rehabilitation services
  • Reasoned recommendation for academic adjustments
  • Contact details of the specialist to obtain additional information, if needed

Medical credential forms for the purpose of receiving academic adjustments:

Current inquiries are addressed within a reasonable period of time and usually up to ten days of submitting the complete forms. If the application refers to a permanent disability or health problem, the forms should be submitted up to three weeks before the end of each semester. After this date only urgent cases will be handled. The Accessibility Unit makes every effort to provide a professional and credible service to all students. However, the Unit cannot guarantee that late applications will be addressed.

Students who are eligible for a temporary adjustment should contact the Accessibility Unit if they wish to prolong the validity of the adjustment, as described above.


  • The adjustments will be provided based on the medical opinion, however the doctor's recommendations in the form should not be considered as a binding. If necessary, the medical documentation will be forwarded to an occupational physician on behalf of the university for an additional opinion.
  • The student may also be referred to evaluation of writing in occupational therapy school. This referral may also be provided when medical condition causes writing impairment and there is a need to formulate professional recommendations regarding the exam adjustments. The evaluation involves payment. You can apply to the Dean of Students Fund for assistance in funding, subject to the provision of economic credentials.